Our FIRST Annual (on Zoom) Hambone’s Open Mic “Rock Around The Clock!”
An 18 hour extravagance of Musical Proportions.
16 hours..
9 hosts..
7 slots each..
How To Watch
Your Hosts:
- Liss Victory
- The Real Michael Lee
- Leigh Thomas
- Nalini Lasiewicz
- John J. X. Cihon
- Shadow
- Jimi Yamagishi (clipped by YouTube)
- Will Simms (clipped by YouTube)
We learned a lesson after this. YouTube does not save streams longer than 12 hours. And there is a chance if your stream was longer, it could be lost forever. We were at least this lucky.
All Performers get a chance to be added to our New NYE Spotify Playlist!
Listen Here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7gzukATHtM8EW4irdK3v9y