Hambones Open Mic

A Virtual Open Mic on Zoom

Join us the first Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. Eastern USA Time for same day signups. We are open to all performance types and talent levels from anywhere in the world! You can find our event listings on Facebook or on YouTube.

Zoom ID:  831 6064 8516

SIGN UPS: 7 p.m. ET  – SHOWTIME: 8 p.m. ET

We have created a gofundme campaign to raise money for Zoom, advertisement and other administrative costs. If you would like to help out, please visit here:


Our Staff

Take a brief look at our Dedicated Staff

Wesley Mason


Photographer, Multimedia Producer, and Tech Director of Hambone’s Open Mic.



Singer, Songwriter, Host and Booking Manager of Hambone’s Open Mic.



Singer, Songwriter, monthly Host and Social Media Coordinator of Hambone’s Open Mic.

Liss Victory


Singer, Songwriter, Multimedia Producer, Former Host and Founder of Hambone’s Open Mic.

Want To Join Us?

We’re open to performers of all talent and levels. Show up in advance (7 p.m. Eastern USA time) and we’ll get you sorted or give you tips on the directions you can go. Performing online is not easy but it doesn’t need to be painful. Zoom, our meeting app of choice, has come a long way to support events like this.

We Have a Green Room

After the event finishes, we end the YouTube feed and allow everyone to unmute and chat. See someone that did something cool and want to know more? Hang out till the end. Many people are more than willing to share their magic.

We’re Archived on YouTube

Every event for the past few years are archived on YouTube. Did you like what you did? Go back and link to it. Want a video of your own to post and share, let us know and we can clip if for you.

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